Tuesday 14 June 2011

The day Jayden was born♥

When Jayden, my brother was born, he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. this meant he was born with brain dammage. this also lead him to have autism. Autism is were the brain functions difrently but not as bad as any other normal person. When i first found out that he was autistic i decided that i would help as much as i could. Everyday since he was about three I would come home and get out the picture cards then teach him how to say difrent animal names and recognise difrent colours. We would work so hard for something that seemed so far away. But we got there. He knew the difrence between red and blue, he knew what a lion and an elephant looked like and could draw you one all by the age of 5yrs. It may have taken a long  time but it was something. ♥